x262 mpeg-2 Video Encoder rev. 2345 x86/x64 (Experimental version!)
27.01.2012 08:36

x262, Mpeg-2 видео кодировщик, работающий на базе видео энкодера x264.

x262, an mpeg-2 encoder building on the best-in-class features of x264.


Изменения / Changes (2343-2345):

  • MPEG-2: Fix crash. Only do motion compensation when needed.;
  • Fix trellis 2 + subme >= 8. Trellis didn't return a boolean value as it was supposed to. Regression in r2143-5.;
  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'x264/master'.



Caution, this experimental version!


Fprofiled, GCC 4.6.3: (svn rev. 183546, Pre-Release , 2012.01.26):

Скачать / Download:
icon x262 mpeg-2 Video Encoder rev. 2345 x86 w32threads (experimental version) (660.8 Кбайт 2012-01-27 08:35:35) (generic), 8bit-depth, native Windows threads.

icon x262 mpeg-2 Video Encoder rev. 2345 x64 w32threads (experimental version) (691.56 Кбайт 2012-01-27 08:34:59) (generic), 8bit-depth, native Windows threads



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