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ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x86/x64) Версия для печати Отправить на e-mail

ffdshow (x86/x64) — медиа декодер, обычно используемый для быстрого и высокоточного декодирования видеопотока в MPEG-4 ASP (то есть кодированного с помощью DivX, Xvid или FFmpeg MPEG-4) и AVC (H.264) форматов, также поддерживает множество иных видео и аудиоформатов. Является свободным программным обеспечением, выпускаемым под лицензией GPL, работает под Windows в качестве фильтра DirectShow.


FFDSHOW is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DivX, XviD, H.264, FLV1, WMV, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, MPEG-4 movies. It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project for video decompression, postprocessing code from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder.
Поддерживаемые языки / Supported languages: BG, BR, CZ, DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, JA, JP, PL, RU, SC, SE, SK, TC


Изменения: Microsoft's wtv files are recognized as "MPEG in AVI" in ffdshow. ffdshow tried to decode it and fails.This patch implements rejection of connecting to PBDA DTFilter if the four CC is 'MPEG'; YV12->YUY2 conversion (from AviSynth project) use SSE2 even if ptr and stride are not multiple of 16. Unaligned version of instructions are used. This improves performance of 64bit builds significantly. 32bit builds also benefit.;  YUY2->RGB conversion from AviSynth project (as known as High quality YV12 to RGB conversion): SSE2 version. About 25% faster on Core2 Quad for me (32bit). 64bit version is beyond comparison (2fps -> real time playback).


(x86: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1, Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit Update for Windows Vista, DirectX SDK v.9, MinGW GCC 4.3.2 x86_32, Intel C++ Compiler 10.1.029)

(x64: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1, Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit Update for Windows Vista, DirectX SDK v.9, MinGW GCC 4.4.0 x86_64)



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ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x86) sse icl10 ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x86) sse icl10 2009-01-13 02:33:00 4.08 Mb

ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x86)  ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x86) 2009-01-13 02:32:32 3.70 Mb


ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x64) ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x64) 2009-01-13 02:33:29 3.62 Mb (libavcodec.dll - GCC 4.4.0 x86_64)
ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x64) (VS2008) ffdshow tryouts project, svn 2614 (x64) (VS2008) 2009-01-13 02:34:05 3.07 Mb (libavcodec.dll - VS2008sp1)

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